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Privacy Policy

EQUALvet is an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Union. EQUALvet aims for the development of a vocational training program for people with intellectual disabilities in three professions: cook assistant, gardener assistant and cleaner. The training program will follow all the requirements needed by the accreditation agencies, to lead to the certification of the professional skills of the participants. Vocational Training Center MARGARITA is the coordinator of this project and for this reason it will be responsible for the implementation of the privacy policy and the protection of the persona data of all the involved stakeholders.




This Privacy Policy provides information about the collection, storage, use and general processing of your personal data, which is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 and the legislation in force.


Data Controller – Communication – Information


The recognized as a "Specialized Charitable Οrganization" called “Ergastiri Eidikis Agogis” (Vocational Training Center) and the distinctive title “MARGARITA” (hereafter referred to as MARGARITA), Messologiou 4-6, Nea Penteli, 15239, tel. +30 210-8044812, email:


Collected Data


MARGARITA mainly processes personal data of its members, the beneficiaries of its activities (social care services, education-vocational training, etc., support services for people with intellectual disabilities), as well as personal data of employees, associates and volunteers, suppliers and customers of its sheltered workshops as well as users of this website. For personal data regarding the use of the website, please read in Chapter “Special Issues” the paragraph on Cookies.

If you have applied to join the association or to provide you with the above social care services under the applicable legal framework or if you register to participate in our events and activities or if you cooperate with MARGARITA (such as the provision of services, the supply of goods, the purchase of products made in the sheltered workshops), we process the personal data you provide, where applicable, for example: identification data (name, title/profession, VAT, ETC.)  health data (diagnosis, disability rate etc.), social and family history data, photographs and audiovisual material from actions you participate in [For more information on this topic please read Chapter “Special Issues, the paragraph about photographs], CV data (studies, career, experience, publications etc.), contact data (postal and e-mail address, telephone, fax, etc.). In case of your request for social care services, in addition to the data you have disclosed to us, we may process your data resulting from our services.

In any case, we collect only data that is strictly necessary for the purpose of the processing and the data is only used for the purpose for which it is collected.


Purposes and Legality of Processing - Consent


The processing of the above data serves, as appropriate, the following purposes:

a) examine and accept your request for membership as well as your inform you regarding your rights and obligations as a member in accordance with the statute of MARGARITA.

b) the examination and acceptance of your request for the provision of educational and vocational training services etc. support services in the context of social care of people with intellectual disabilities in accordance with the current legal framework for the operation of Day Care Center. Your data is processed under the responsibility of a professional covered by professional secrecy.

c) the examination and acceptance of your request - to participate in programs and actions funded by national or European bodies and again in the context of providing social care services.

d) informing you about our activities, relevant to the organization’s goals, following a declaration of interest - your consent

e) promoting our work, informing the public and promoting our nonprofit charitable purposes, with your consent (see photos) or fulfilling our legitimate interests

f) the proof of the legitimacy of our operation, our work and our actions and the compliance with the statutes of our institutions

g) In addition to the above, MARGARITA processes personal data of personnel, associates, suppliers, service providers and customers of the sheltered workshops within the framework of existing contracts to meet their needs.


The legal basis for processing for the above purposes is either the service of a contract (a, b, c, g) and the response to our legal obligations arising from it, or your consent (d, e) as long as you give it, or fulfill our legitimate interests (e and f) with absolute respect and provided that your rights and freedoms are not compromised.

In addition to this, MARGARITA may process personal data for the purposes of scientific research and statistical purposes, subject to the safeguards provided for in the Regulation and respecting the essence of the right to data protection by taking appropriate measures to safeguard fundamental rights and interests of the data subject.

If we need to process your data for other purposes, you will be informed about it and, if necessary, your consent will be sought.




In the event that you have given your consent or you will provide it to us in the future, you have the right at any time to revoke it without having any effect on the services provided by us and without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on your consent before its revocation. Your consent can be withdrawn in writing at the above-mentioned mailing address or electronically at the above-mentioned e-mail address, email’s Subject: REQUEST RESTORATION.


​Recipients – Transfer of Personal Data


We do not disclose or assign to third parties for any purpose your personal data other than the below mentioned recipients and the case we are obliged to do for that purpose by inspection or investigation by a competent public authority in accordance with applicable law.

The recipients of your personal data may be:

  • our staff and other associates under our supervision, to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties, committing to confidentiality and implementing appropriate data protection measures.

  • the authority supervising our operation, your insurance fund for the collection of any health benefits or the authorities and bodies that fund our operation or the provision of specific services to you or the managing authorities of the funded programs in which you participate and through which services are provided to you. Such notifications are necessary in application of the applicable law or to enable our funding for the purpose of providing our above-mentioned services.

  • the competent authorities (Tax Office, Single Social Security Entity, Labor Inspectorate, Greek National Health Agency, Supervisory Authority of the Region, Information Systems of the Ministry of Labor or Finance, National Registry of Social Care Bodies, Statutory Auditors, etc.) provided that the applicable legislation for our response to legal obligations

We do not send your data to third countries outside the European Union or to international organizations, except in the case of a funded program whose manager is in a third non-EU country, after having notify you properly.

Regarding transferring your personal data for storage in cloud computing, you can read more in Chapter “Special Issues” in the paragraphs about Cloud Storage.


Time of Retention of Personal Data 


Your personal data is only kept for as long as it is required to fulfill the purpose for which it has been collected and in compliance with applicable law (e.g. keeping a medical record, tax records, etc.). Your medical record is kept for 10 years after stopping providing our services to you. In the event that your data is collected after an interest in your engagement or cooperation with us, these will be deleted immediately as soon as it becomes clear that you have not been selected for cooperation or rejected our proposal unless you declare that you consent to their maintenance. If the processing is based on your consent, the data is retained until it is revoked. After the data retention period expires or your consent is revoked, your data will be deleted in the appropriate and most secure way.


Data Security


We take care to ensure that your personal data is protected (confidentiality, integrity and availability) from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, deletion, or loss. To that end, we adopt a set of technical and organizational measures that we seek to continuously improve. Among them, we have graduated access, our staff and partners are committed to confidentiality, physical protection measures and electronic file protection measures (strong passwords, malware protection, regular backup, etc.)


Automated Decision Making - Profiling


We do not make automated decision-making or any form of automated processing of personal data that involves using them to evaluate a person's personal aspects (profiling).


Your Rights


You have the following rights in your data process:

a) Request access to your personal data (copies, information)

b) Ask for correction and / or completion of your data so that it is complete and accurate

c) Requesting your data to be deleted in the following cases: if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, if you withdraw the consent on which the processing is based, and if there is no other legal basis for the processing, if you are against processing, if the data were processed illegally or if this is required by our legal obligation

d) You may request that your data processing to be restrained in the following cases: in the event of a dispute over their accuracy and until their verification, if you oppose on processing or deleting them, if your data is no longer necessary but still required for the foundation, exercise and support of your legal claims

e) To oppose the processing if the legal basis of this is it satisfies our own or third party's legitimate interests or whether this is done for research-statistical purposes  

f) Request that we deliver or transfer your data to another data controller, in an appropriate format, if processed electronically by automated means.


Exercise of Rights

In order to exercise your rights, you may contact the data controller in writing at the above-mentioned postal or electronic address under the Subject: EXPLORATION OF RIGHTS. We will make every effort to respond to your request within thirty (30) days of your submission without any charge, except for manifestly gratuitous, excessive or recurring requests. If your request is rejected, you will be reasonably informed within the same deadline. If more time is needed to meet your request - and up to sixty (60) more days - you will also be informed about it within one month of submitting your request.

If you believe that your rights are being infringed in any way, you may file a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Authority (1-3, Kifissias Avenue, Athens 11523, email:, fax 210-6475628,

Cloud Saving


Your personal data held electronically may be stored, for safety reasons, in a cloud computing service provided by a company established in a European Union or non-European Union country, bound by the General Data Protection Regulation, or in a third country which will provide a proficiency decision or appropriate safeguards to protect your data.


Special Issues




When participating in activities, events etc., actions organized or co-organized by MARGARITA, you may be photographed or videotaped. This material remains in the archive of MARGARITA but may still be posted on our official website or in printed or electronic newsletters or social media managed by MARGARITA and others. In order to receive and use this material, if the identity of your person or your capacity as a beneficiary of our services arises, your consent is sought. Your consent is provided solely for the above purposes and without any claim (material or moral) for the use of this material. Also during events, activities, etc., you may be photographed or videotaped between the audience or the participants in order to use this material to view our work and promote our goals. If you do not wish to do so, you can tell us before the event begins. MARGARITA, in any case, makes every effort to ensure that the persons depicted are not affected in any way. If you think you are concerned about the publication of your photo, you can contact MARGARITA to delete the material that concerns you.


MARGARITA is not responsible for any illegal use of the material by third parties. MARGARITA also assumes no responsibility for you being photographed and this material be published or posted by third parties or beneficiaries participating in events and activities taking place at MARGARITA’s sites or actions which MARGARITA had organized or participates in. The revocation of the consent that you have given us under the above conditions does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on your consent prior to its revocation. Therefore, photos already included in the printed material will remain until the prints are exhausted. In the case of photos and generally audiovisual material depicting more than one person, your possible unauthorized consent or your subsequent withdrawal of your consent does not imply the destroy or stopping the availability to download the material, but it will possibly result in blurring your image to be unrecognizable.


MARGARITA, having an over 35 years of experience in special education service provision, keeps photos on its files for historical purposes. In the event of disclosure of this material for the purpose of promoting and advertising its work, it makes every effort to ensure that the persons depicted are not affected in any way whatsoever. In any case, if you are bothered by the disclosure of your photo from our archive, you can contact MARGARITA to delete the material that concerns you.



Our website uses cookies in the usual Internet practices to facilitate access, improve your experience as a user while browsing, and for statistical purposes. Cookies are small files that are sent to a user's computer when they visit a site. Cookies are "saved" in your browser but do not have access and knowledge of any document or file from your computer. The installation of cookies at your terminal from our website is made either if it is absolutely necessary for the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network or for the provision of a service you have requested, or upon your briefing and if you have clearly stated, expressly and specifically that you agree.


The website can identify the IP address through which the computer or any other electronic device accessing the Internet and then the website, and these data are used for statistical purposes. In cases where your browser requests permission to download your location from our site, this information is used to provide more personalized information. In any case your permission may be revoked at any time by changing your browser settings. If you choose not to provide this permission, then you may not be able to access certain services on the site.


As a visitor to our site, you can configure your browser to restrict the reception of all cookies or to notify you when sending a cookie. However, as a visitor to our website, you should know in general that certain features or services of the site may not work properly without accepting the use of cookies.


Updates of Privacy Policy


MARGARITA may update this privacy policy whenever it deems it necessary. For this reason, please refer to the data protection policy that will be posted on the official website and to be informed of its current issue.


Contact - Information


For any relevant information or any matter concerning this policy and your personal data, please contact: "MARGARITA" Vocational Training Center, Mesologiou 4-6, Nea Penteli, 15239, tel. 210-8044812, email:


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